How do I know my termite treatment is being performed correctly in Mechanicsville Virginia?

You have taken the first steps of protection against termites by scheduling a treatment from a professional termite company…. but how do you know they are doing the treatment correctly? There are many excellent pest control companies in Mechanicsville Virginia that specialize in controlling termites and pests. When you choose a company, you want to feel safe and confident they will perform the service you paid for correctly…. But how do you do that?

The first step is easy!

“The Label is the Law”

Knowledge is power and in Mechanicsville Virginia, they have made it easy for you to be as knowledgeable as you want to be with termite treatments. Pest Control and termite service companies are regulated by individual states that determine control measures' requirements and regulations. In Virginia, it is as simple as it can be as the state refers back to the product label a company is using to control termites and pests. So, what does that mean for you and your peace of mind?

Ask what product your provider is using

One simple question to your provider will give you all the tools you need to understand how they protect your home. Every company in Mechanicsville Virginia, no matter how much they charge you, must follow the label of the product they are applying.

What does the product label tell you?

It will provide a breakdown of every step your provider must take to control termites, such as:

  • Where to trench and/or rod.
  • How much-concentrated solution to mix?
  • How much-finished solution to apply?
  • The proper distance drill holes must be.
  • Where the localized interior treatment must be performed.
  • How the drill holes must be plugged, etc.

I know from my own experience when a professional provider who just completed a service asks if I have any questions, I just stand there with a blank face because I really don’t know what to ask. Great companies always ask you to review the completed services with them when completed and only educated consumers know what to ask. The product label gives you that level of confidence to ask questions you might otherwise not have known.

Knowledge is comforting

Consumer knowledge is key to gaining peace of mind when it comes to your home and let’s face it…. termite treatments are not cheap, and you should feel completely comfortable that your hard-earned money is being spent wisely and your home is protected as it should be.

An All-Stars Pest Control professional is standing by and ready to answer any questions you may have when it comes to protecting your family, pets, and home.